When visiting anywhere, knowledge is power.
When setting foot into the wilds of Washington states, idyllic Olympic Peninsula, first-hand knowledge is the key ingredient for a successful and enjoyable adventure.

Whether you want to explore the coast, the mountains, or North America’s only temperate rainforest you can do no wrong by starting your route planning with a call or visits to Bill and his dedicated crew at the Olympic Peninsula Gateway Visitors Center.
Located just a few miles west of the “Gateway” Hood Canal Bridge, the Gateway Visitor’s Center is located in a fashionable log cabin.
Typically staffed with energetic and insightful docents, COVID has necessitated a reduction of in-person hours, but not service.

Manager Bill Roney has invested in a wonderful series of QR Code linked activity display posters, featuring digital brochures and even realtime details to natural resource destinations and cultural/historic attractions alike.
The large gallery of info. posters are on display and accessible 24/7 outside of the Gateway VIC.
Visit Olympic Peninsula Gateway Visitors Center
93 Beaver Valley Rd, Port Ludlow, WA, United States, Washington
(360) 437-0120